Divide the given numbers 9 and 2 using our free online Long Division Calculator and determine the Quotient and Remainder as Q 4 R 1 instantly without any hurdles.
Ex: 1625/15 or 144/13 or 542/19
The given Divisor = 2 and Dividend = 9
4 | |
2 | 9 |
8 | |
1 |
The Quotient is 4 and the Remainder is 1
1. How many times does 2 go into 9?
4 times 2 goes into 9 and gives the remainder as 1.
2. What is dividend and divisor in the Long Division of 9 by 2?
In the given division number 9 by 2, the numerator number is known as dividend and the denominator number is known as a divisor. So, 9 is dividend number and 2 is divisor number.
3. How can I divide 9 by 2 easily?
You can divide the given number ie., 9 by 2 easily by making use of our Long Division Calculator.