Conservation of Momentum Calculator describes the motion of two colliding bodies. Just enter the inputs and click on the calculate button to get the final velocities of objects in no time.
Conservation Law of Momentum states that for an isolated body the sum of momentums of all objects remain constant. In Isolated System objects doesn't interact with anything outside the system. In fact, energy lost by one object is gained by another object.
Let us consider two cars are moving on a table which is frictionless. One of the Cars move with a speed of 2 km/hr and collides with the second car. First car slows down after hitting the second one and certain momentum is transfered from first one to the second one.
There are three different types of collisions and they are described below
Perfectly Elastic: It is an elastic collision in which both the kinetic energy and momentum of system are conserved. Example of this kind of collision is collision between hard bodies such as marbles or billiard balls.
Partially Elastic: In this collision momentum is conserved and objects move at different speeds. However, kinetic energy is not conserved. It will not disappear completely a part of it is used to perform work. Example for this car crash in this metal will be destroyed and some kinetic energy is lost.
Perfectly Inelastic: After Inelastic Collision bodies stick together and move at a common speed. Momentum is conserved and a part of kinetic energy is lost. If a fast travelling bullet hits a wooden target then it gets stuck inside the target and moves along with it. has got concepts like friction, acceleration due to gravity, water pressure, gravity, and many more along with their relevant calculators all one under one roof.
Follow the simple steps provided below to find the velocities of two colliding objects in all kinds of collisions.
1. What is Law of Conservation of Momentum?
Law of Conservation of Momentum states that for an isolated system, sum of momentums of all objects is constant.
2. What is Law of Conservation of Momentum Formula?
Conservation of Momentum Formula is m1u1+m2u2 = m1v1+m2v2 i.e. total momentum before the interaction and after the interaction is same.
3. What are the 3 types of collisions?
There are three types of collisions and they are Perfectly Elastic, Partially Elastic, Perfectly Inelastic Collisions.