Here is a handy little GCF Calculator that you can use to find the GCF of two numbers 12, 24 i.e. 12 the largest number that divides both the numbers exactly.
Greatest Common Factor of 12 and 24 is 12
GCF(12, 24) = 12
Ex: number 1 - 1500 and number 2 - 20.
Given Inputs are 12, 24
To find the GCF using the Prime Factorization Method you just need to list out the prime factors of both the numbers.
Prime Factorization of 12 as under
2 | 12 |
2 | 6 |
3 | 3 |
1 |
Prime factors of 12 are 2,3. Prime factorization of 12 in exponential form is:
12 = 22×31
Prime Factorization of 24 is as such
2 | 24 |
2 | 12 |
2 | 6 |
3 | 3 |
1 |
Prime factors of 24 are 2,3. Prime factorization of 24 in exponential form is:
24 = 23×31
Occurrences of Common Prime Factors from both the numbers 12 and 24 is 12
Therefore, GCF of two numbers 12 and 24 is 12
Given input data is 12, 24
Make a list of factors for the corresponding input numbers
Factors of 12
List of positive integer factors of 12 that divides 12 without a remainder.
Factors of 24
List of positive integer factors of 24 that divides 24 without a remainder.
Figure out the highest common factor from factors of both the numbers and that is the GCF. In this case, it is 12
Therefore, GCF of two numbers 12 ad 24 is 12
1. What is the GCF of numbers 12 and 24?
GCF of numbers 12 and 24 is 12.
2. How to find GCF of 12 and 24 easily?
Take the help of GCF Calculator existing and input the numbers 12, 24 in the input field provided and tap on the Calculate Button to avail the Greatest Common Factor with detailed steps.
3. Where do I find an elaborate explanation on finding GCF of 12, 24?
You can find an elaborate explanation on finding GCF of 12, 24 on our page.