Use the handy little GCF of two or more numbers Calculator that can be of extreme help for you to evaluate the Greatest Common Factor. Just input the data in the respective input fields and hit the Calculate Button to get the result in no time.
Ex: 10, 15, 20 (or) 24, 48, 96,45 (or) 78902, 89765, 12345
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Here are some samples of GCF of two or more Numbers calculations.
GCF of two or more numbers Calculator: Need any assistance while solving the Greatest Common Factor of two or more numbers? You can take the help of GCF of two or more numbers calculator provided to find GCF easily. In addition, get to know about the various methods of solving GCF. For the sake of your convenience, we even took examples so that you will get a good grip on the concept.
GCF stands for Greatest Common Factor and you can find it using numerous methods. We have jotted down some of the popular methods used while finding the Greatest Common Factor and they are as follows
Factoring: As a part of finding GCF of given numbers using the Factoring Method, list out all the factors of each number. Make a note of common factors in the given numbers and the biggest one is the Greatest Common Factor.
Find GCF of numbers 10, 15, 20?
Given Inputs are 10, 15, 20
Firstly find the factors of all the numbers 10, 15, 20
Factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5, 10
Factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15
Factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
Of all the factor lists make a note of the common factor that is big in all three numbers provided. In this case, it is 5
Therefore GCF of numbers 10, 15, 20 is 5
Prime Factorization: Prime Factorization is a great method if the input numbers are large. If you want to know the GCF of numbers make a list of prime factors of each of the numbers given. Include the highest number of occurrences of each of the prime common in each original number. Multiply them together and you will get the GCF immediately.
Find GCF of 10, 15, 20 using the Prime Factorization Method?
Given Inputs are 10, 15, 20
To find the GCF firstly make a list of prime factors of inputs
Prime Factorization of 10 is 2x5
Prime Factorization of 15 is 3x5
Prime Factorization of 20 is 2x2x5
The highest common Occurrences in the given numbers is 5. As it is a single number there is no need to multiply and it itself becomes GCF
Thus, GCF of 10, 15, 20 is 5
Utilize the free online tools available for several math concepts all under one roof at and clarify all your queries.
1. How to find GCF of two or more numbers on a calculator?
You can find GCF of two or more numbers by providing the input numbers separated by commas and then clicking on the Calculate Button to get the Greatest Common Factor in no time.
2. Where do I get a detailed procedure to find GCF?
You can get a detailed procedure to find GCF on our page.
3. What are various methods to find the Greatest Common Factor?
Various methods to find GCF are using Prime Factorization, Factoring, Euclid's Algorithm.
4. Where do I find Solved Examples for GCF?
You can find solved examples for GCF with step by step procedure on our page.