Try our quick and easy tool LCM Calculator to find the LCM of two numbers. You just need to provide the input numbers in the corresponding input field and tap on the Calculate Button to find the Least Common Multiple of two numbers.
Ex: number 1 - 1500 and number 2 - 20.
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Here are some samples of LCM of two numbers calculations.
LCM Calculator: Make use of the handy little calculator to find the Least Common Multiple of two numbers in a fraction of seconds. The free instant tools will let you do your calculations on a faster note given the inputs. You will find a step by step procedure explaining how to find the LCM of two numbers using different methods.
Least Common Multiple abbreviated as LCM is a method to determine the Smallest multiple or factor of given integers. For two integers a and b, LCM is denoted as LCM(a,b). LCM is the smallest positive integer that is evenly divisible by both a and b. There are plenty of methods to find the Least Common Multiple of two numbers. We have mentioned a few of them in detail taking enough examples.
Finding LCM using Prime Factorization Method
The Procedure is the same for LCM of more numbers.
Find the LCM of 12 and 24 using the Prime Factorization Method?
Given numbers are 12 and 24
In Order to find the LCM of (12,24) using Prime Factorisation write down the numbers into their Prime Factors.
On doing so you will get the results as under
Prime Factorization of 12 = 2×2×3
Prime Factorization of 24 = 2×2×2×3
Now, multiplying the prime factors with as many times as they occur is given by 2×2×2×3 to calculate the Least Common Multiple.
Thus, LCM(12, 24) is 24
Finding LCM using GCF Method
Go through the procedure below to find the Least Common Multiple using the GCF Method. They are along the lines
However, the Greatest Common Factor is the largest number shared by all the factors.
Find the LCM of 18, 30 using the GCF Method?
Given Inputs are 18, 30
To find the LCM of 18, 30 using GCF method find the GCF(18,30).
We know the GCF of 18, 30 is 6 the largest number shared by all the factors.
Now, use the formula to find LCM using GCF i.e. LCM(a,b) = ( a × b) / GCF(a,b)
Substitute the given input values in place of a & b and the equation becomes
LCM(18,30) =(18*30)/GCF(18,30)
= 18*30/6
Performing basic maths we get the LCM(18,30) i.e. 90
Thus, LCM(18,30) using the GCF method is 90. provides free calculator tools for you to assist you while solving complex mathematical problems or to cross-check any concept after your class.
1. What is the full form of LCM?
LCM Stands for Least Common Multiple.
2. What is meant by the Least Common Multiple?
The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both given numbers.
3. What are the different methods to find LCM of two numbers?
There are various methods to find the LCM of two numbers namely Prime Factorization, GCF Method, Listing Multiples, Division Method, Cake, or Ladder Method.
4. How to find LCM of two numbers easily?
You can find the LCM of two numbers taking the help of the LCM Calculator provided. You just need to input the values and click on Calculate Button to avail result i.e. LCM in no time.