LCM Calculator computes the LCM of two numbers i.e. 9 and 16 and gives the Least Common Multiple 144 the smallest integer that is divisible by both the numbers.
Least Common Multiple of 9 and 16 is 144
LCM(9, 16) = 144
Ex: number 1 - 1500 and number 2 - 20.
Check out the procedure to find the Least Common Multiple of 9 and 16 using the Prime Factorization Method. They are as follows
Step 1: Firstly, find the Prime Factorization of given numbers 9, 16
Prime Factorization of 9 is as such
3 | 9 |
3 | 3 |
1 |
Prime factors of 9 are 3. Prime factorization of 9 in exponent form is:
9 = 32
Prime Factorization of 16 is as follows
2 | 16 |
2 | 8 |
2 | 4 |
2 | 2 |
1 |
Prime factors of 16 are 2. Prime factorization of 16 in exponent form is:
16 = 24
Step 2: Multiply together each of the Prime Numbers with the highest power to obtain the Least Common Multiple
On doing so, you will get the resultant equation as 24×32= 144
Therefore, LCM of two numbers 9 and 16 is 144
LCM(9,16) = 144
Go through the simple and easy steps listed to know the Least Common Multiple of 9, 16 using the GCF Formula
Step 1: Find the Greatest Common Factor of 9, 16 initially.
Greatest Common Factor is the largest integer by which both the numbers can be divided. The GCF of 9, 16 is 1.
Simply use the GCF obtained in the formula to find the Least Common Multiple i.e. LCM(a,b) =a*b/GCF(a,b)
Substitute the inputs in the formula and you will get as under
LCM(9,16)= 9*16/GCF(9, 16)
= 9*16/1
= 144
Thus, LCM(9,16) using the GCF Formula is 144
1. What is the LCM of two numbers 9, 16?
LCM of two numbers 9, 16 is 144
2. How to find LCM of two numbers 9, 16 easily?
To find the LCM of two numbers 9, 16 take the help of LCM Calculator and get the result in a fraction of second.
3. Where do I get a detailed Procedure explaining the LCM of numbers 9, 16?
You can find a detailed Procedure explaining the LCM of numbers 9, 16 on our page.