Free Online Tool LCM of Decimals Calculator will make your calculations faster and displays the result in no time. You just need to input the data and click on the calculate button to find the Least Common Multiple of Decimals.
Ex: 1.5, 1.5, 2.5 (or) 2.4, 4.8, 0.96,4.5 (or) 789.02, 897.65, 123.45
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Here are some samples of LCM of Decimals calculations.
LCM of Decimals Calculator: Online Tool Least Common Multiple of Decimals over here will make it easy for you to find the LCM of Decimals if you ever need any assistance. Furthermore, you will find information related to how to find LCM of Decimals manually. You can also get the worked out procedure for evaluating the LCM of Decimals by taking enough examples.
Go through the simple and easy steps listed below to find the Least Common Multiple of Decimals. Following the simple procedure, you can do the LCM of Decimals easily.
Step 1: First and foremost step is to convert each of the decimals to like decimals by multiplying with 10, 100, or 1000….... For instance, if the given numbers are 0.7 and 0.38 check for the number with more digits after the decimal point. Here it is 2 digits after decimal value so multiply with 100 to make them into integers
Step 2: Remove the decimal point and find the LCM of integers you got in the earlier step.
Step 3: The last step is to divide the LCM you got in the second step with the number you have multiplied in step 1.
That's it you will get the Least Common Multiple of Decimals manually.
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Find LCM of Decimal Numbers 0.35 and 0.25?
Given Numbers are 0.35 and 0.25
Step 1: The number of decimal points is equal and it is 2. Thus, multiply both the numbers with 100 in order to make them as integers.
On applying, we get the numbers as 0.35*100=35
Step 2: Find the LCM of integers you got i.e. 35 and 25
LCM of 35 and 25 is 175 i.e. the smallest integer that is divisible by both the numbers exactly.
Step 3: Divide the result 175 with the number you have multiplied in the earlier steps to make them integers. As we multiplied with 100 to make the given numbers integers divide the result 175 with 100
Doing so, you will get 1.75 which is the LCM of Decimals 0.35 and 0.25
1. What is the LCM of Decimals?
LCM of Decimals is the smallest number that is divisible by both the numbers.
2. How to find LCM of Decimals on a Calculator?
You can find LCM of Decimals on a calculator by simply giving the input data and clicking them on the calculate button.
3. Where do I get the Step by Step Procedure for finding the LCM of Decimals?
You can get the Step by Step Procedure for finding the LCM of Decimals on our page.
4. Where can I find Worked Out Examples on LCM of Decimals?
You can find Worked Out Examples of LCM of Decimals on our page.