Make use of our free Hex Calculator tool to perform arithmetical operations on any two hexadecimal numbers easily. You just have to enter the input numbers, press on the calculate button to get the lengthy output as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of the hexadecimal numbers and decimal form of those numbers.
Hex Calculator: This handy calculator tool is programmed to perform the basic arithmetic operations on hexadecimal numbers and it generates the output within no time. You can get the detailed explanation to convert the hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers, add, multiply, subtract, and divide the two hexadecimal numbers. In addition to this, you can also learn how to perform arithmetic operations on hexadecimal numbers easily.
Below provided are the simple and easy steps which are helpful to you to calculate the basic arithmetic operations of hexadecimal numbers and decimal numbers and how to convert hexadecimal number to decimal number. Have a look at them and follow
1. Addition of Hexadecimal Numbers
Example Question: 3F8 + 5B3 = ?
3 F 8
+ 5 B 3
= 9 A B
8+3 = 11 which is B in hexadecimal
3F8 + 5B3 = 9 A B
2. Subtraction of Hexadecimal Numbers
Example Question: 35A - 172 = ?
2 16
3 5 A
- 1 7 2
= 1 E 8
A is 10. So, A-2 = 10-2 = 8
5+16 = 21 - 7 = 14 = E
3-1 = 2 -1 = 1
3. Multiplication of Hexadecimal Numbers
Example Question: What is 4A1C x 53?
3 3
1 2
4 A 1 C
x 5 3
D E 5 4
1 7 2 8 C
= 2 5 0 E 0
3 x C = 3 x 12 = 36 = 24
4. Division of Hexadecimal Numbers
Example Question: Find FACE / 12?
Dividend = FACE
Divisor = 12
12) F A C E ( D E F
- E A
1 0 C
1 0 E
1 0 E
Quotient = D E F
Example Question: Convert 2482 to hexadecimal form?
Given decimal number = 2482
1 6 ) 2 4 8 2 ( 1 5 5
1 6
8 8
8 0
8 2
8 0
Again divide 155 by 16
1 6 ) 1 5 5 ( 9
1 4 4
1 1
(2 4 8 2)10 = (9 11 2)16
You can get the information regarding decimal numbers arithmetical operations on our site that has different math concepts calculators at one page.
1. Why is hex used?
Hex or hexadecimal is a base 16 system used to simplify how binary is represented. Each hex digit reflects a 4 bit binary sequence. This means you can easily write 8 bit binary numbers using only two different hex digits.
2. What is Meant by Hexadecimal Number?
The hexadecimal number system is called base 16 number system. It uses the decimal numbers from 0 to 9 along with 6 symbols. They are A, B, C, d, E, F.
3. How do yo convert 23E to decimal?
Get the decimal form of E. And multiply the right most digit to 160, next digit to 161 so on.
E = 14
2 3 E = 2 x 162 + 3 x 161 + 14 x 160
= 2 x 256 + 48 + 14
= 512 + 62 = 574
(23E)16 = (574)10
4. How to perform the arithmetic operation on hexadecimal numbers?
You just need to enter two hex numbers in the input and hit the calculate button to get the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of those numbers in hexadecimal form easily.