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Prime Factorization Calculator

Free online tool Prime Factorization Calculator displays the prime factorization of a number in no time. Simply provide the input number in the respective input field and click on the enter button to avail the prime factorization of it.

Ex: 3844 or 5680 or 9240

Prime Factorization of:

Here are some samples of Prime Factorisation calculations.

Prime Factorization Calculator: If you are looking for a handy tool that does Prime Factorization you have come the right way. To help you understand the concept of prime factorization or prime decomposition we have listed everything in detail step by step. You will find information on what is meant by Prime Factorization and how to find Prime Factorization. This easy to use tool will make your calculations faster and gives you a detailed explanation of the concept.

What is meant by Prime Factorization?

In Maths, Prime Factorization is the method to find prime numbers of a given number. When all the Prime Factors of the numbers are multiplied you will get the original number. Prime Numbers are the basic blocks of all numbers. We know Prime number is the number divided by 1 and the number itself. The Method of Prime Factorization is used to break down the whole number into its prime factors. Prime Factorization is also known as Prime Decomposition.

How to find Prime Factorization of a number?

Prime factorization is the decomposition of composite numbers into a product of prime numbers. There are many methods to do the Prime Factorization and we have listed some of them namely Trial Division and Factor Tree Methods. Check out them to have an idea of them in detail so that you can choose the method you want.

Trial Division

One of the methods to obtain the Prime Factors of a number is through trial division. It is one of the basic algorithms and can be highly tedious. Start by testing each integer to see if and how it divides the number and the subsequent quotients evenly. The resulting set of factors will be prime numbers.

Factor Tree

Factor Tree Diagram is an easy way to break down a number into its prime factors.

  • Take a number in the first step.
  • Factor it into any two numbers and you may need it to split it easily.
  • Start constructing the factor tree i.e. draw two branches splitting down the original number.
  • Factor the next line. If your number is prime leave it as it is or else factor the numbers again.
  • Continue the Process until you are left with all the prime numbers.
  • Write down the Prime Factorization by taking all the leaves of the factor tree.

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Prime Factorization Calculator

FAQs on Prime Factorization

1. How to find the Prime Factorization of a number?

You can find the Prime Factorization of a number using various methods like Trial Division and Factor Tree.

2. What is meant by Prime Factorization?

Prime factorization is the decomposition of composite numbers into a product of prime numbers.

3. What is the prime factorization of 36?

Prime factorization of 36 is 2 x 2 x 3 x 3

4. Where do I find the detailed procedure of finding Prime factors of a number through Prime Factorization?

You can find a detailed procedure of finding Prime factors of a number through Prime Factorization on our page.