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Percent Grade to Degree Calculator

Online Tool Percent Grade to Degree Calculator provided will give you answers you need every time you provide the input variables. Simply provide the input Percent Grade in the input field provided and tap on the Calculate Button to get the result.

Ex: 38 or 56 or 92

Percent Grade to Degree of:

Percent Grade to Degree Calculator:If you love to check more on conversion between Percent Grade to Degree you have come to the right place. It is free to use tool that displays the changed unit degree on giving the input Percent Grade. Have insight into details like how to use percent grade to degree calculator, steps on how to convert percent grade to a degree in detail. You can have a better understanding of the concept with the elaborate explanation provided.

What is Percent Grade?

Percent Grade or Slope Percentage is a fractional expression. It is used to express the ratio of difference of altitudes between two points on a slope to the horizontal distance between points multiplied by 100.

Procedure to convert Percent Grade to Degree

In order to change Percent Grade to Degrees, you need to know little trigonometry. If you consider the slope between two points as the hypotenuse of the right triangle, change in altitude between those points is the rise of the triangle, and the horizontal distance between the point is run. Rise over the run is the tangent of the angle θ.

Check out the conversion process on how to change Percentage Grade or Slope Percentage to Degree.

  • Firstly, express the Percent Grade as a fraction of 100.
  • Next, convert the fraction to a decimal value.
  • Look up the decimal fractions in the table of tangents in order to find the angles to which they correspond.

Formula to convert Percent Grade to Degrees is given as follows

Degrees = Tan-1 (Slope Percent/100)

How to use Percent Grade to Degree Calculator

Go through the simple and easy guidelines on using the Percent Grade to Degree Calculator. If you are stuck at some point while using the Percent Grade to Degree Calculator following these steps you will arrive at the output easily. They are along the lines

  • Firstly, give the input value i.e. Percent value in the input field of the calculator.
  • Thereafter, tap on the enter button right after the input field or directly from your keyboard.
  • Finally, you will get the value that resulted in degrees along with a detailed explanation.

People of any mathematical knowledge can solve the concepts easily by taking the help of our calculator tools at as all the tools give accurate yet straightforward descriptions.

Percent Grade to Degree Calculator

FAQs on Percent Grade to Degree

1. What is the formula to convert Percent Grade to Degree?

Formula to convert Percent Grade to Degree is Degrees = Tan-1 (Slope Percent/100)

2. Where do I get the detailed procedure to convert percent grade to degree?

You can get the detailed procedure to convert percent grade to degree on our page.

3. How to convert Percent Grade to Degree?

You can convert Percent Grade to Degree by taking the Inverse Tangent of Slope Percent by 100.

4. How to change Percent Grade to Degree easily?

You can take the help of our Percent Grade to Degree Calculator to change between units percent grade to degree.