Greatest to Least Calculator is a free online tool that arranges the given list of numbers in descending order. As it takes 'n' number of integers as input with a comma ',' separated, and provides output in the sorted form within a fraction of seconds.
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Here are some samples of Greatest to Least calculations.
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Greatest to Least Calculator: If your kids are struggling with sorting numbers from greatest to least order then this page is the right choice for you. Because here we are going to guide the kids on how to arrange numbers from highest to lowest. Apart from this, kids may also find the coolest and easiest way to calculate a lengthy list of integers from greatest to least which is nothing but Greatest to Least Calculator.
Go further and view all the required information about Greatest to Least Order & explore more regarding the concept. Also, you will find enough examples of how to order numbers from greatest to least for grasping better knowledge about the concept.
In math, ordering the numbers from greatest to least means arranging the unordered list of numbers into bigger to smaller values as per the given values. The greatest number should be addressed on the left, with the next greatest number written to its immediate right, then follow the same process for all numbers in the list and end with the smaller value then the list is said to be as greatest to least order. Also, it is known as the descending order.
The standard form to represent the greatest to least form of numbers is:
a > b > c > d > …..
Here, a, b, c, d represent the numbers and the '>' is the symbol for greatest to least order or descending order.
Example: 10>9>8>7>6>5.
The arrangement of numbers from greatest to least is also known as descending ordered list. That means the number that should be sorted at first is the bigger one and then with the next bigger value and continue the process till you sort the entire list and end with a smaller value.
To sort the unordered list of numbers from greatest to least form, first, you should put the bigger number at the initial place and then search for the next bigger value and sort it to place in the second place. Go with the same procedure and sort out the entire list of numbers from greatest to least ie., descending order. In this Greatest to Least arrangement, the numbers will be placed as decreasing order.
For your convenience and to grasp the concept properly, we have provided an example with a detailed explanation. Look at the solved example and calculate the sorting of numbers from greatest to least by hand easily.
Arrange the list of numbers 987, 5678, 54, 65, 452, 21, 15, 89, 2 from Greatest to Least?
At the initial stage, you have to take the given list of numbers and write it down,
987, 5678, 54, 65, 452, 21, 15, 89, 2
Now, look for the first bigger number from the list and place the value at the first position of the list.
⇒ 5678, 987, 54, 65, 452, 21, 15, 89, 2
Here, a bigger number is represented in bold and the next bigger value is taken in an italic font for identification. Now, sort the italic represented number and place it in the second number position.
⇒ 5678, 987, 54, 65, 452, 21, 15, 89, 2
Repeat the same process till you sort all bigger values and end with the least number.
⇒ 5678, 987, 452, 54, 65, 21, 15, 89, 2
⇒ 5678, 987, 452, 89, 54, 65, 21, 15, 2
⇒ 5678, 987, 452, 89, 65, 54, 21, 15, 2
The given list of numbers is sorted in descending order now let's have a glance at the final sorted list of numbers in greatest to least form.
∴5678, 987, 452, 89, 65, 54, 21, 15, 2 is the sorted list in descending order ie., Greatest to Least form.
The procedure to use the greatest to least calculator is given here with detailed steps. So, check out the simple steps that are illustrated below and get the sorted list for the given numbers from greatest to least. They are along the lines:
Learn all math calculations in less time & complete your homework quickly by taking help from our free online tools which are available in all mathematical and statistical topics at
1. What is the other name for Greatest to Least order of numbers?
We can call the arrangement of Greatest to Least order of numbers as Descending order list.
2. How do you sort the unordered list of numbers in Greatest to Least?
First, all you need to do is look at the one’s place value and find the bigger one and then move to the ten’s place and followed by others and make the sorted list from the given numbers which are ended with the smallest value ie., in greatest to least order.
3. Arrange the given numbers 56, 4, 98, 2789, 34 from greatest to least?
The sorted list of numbers from greatest to least is 2789, 98, 56, 34, 4.
4. Where can I get the solved examples for how to order numbers from greatest to least?
You can find the solved examples for a list of numbers from greatest to least along with the online greatest to least calculator on our page.