For those looking help regarding the Acid Base concept can get complete assistance right on this page. Access the Acid Base Formulas over here as preparation aids and be familiar with the concept of Acid Base much better. Support your learning with the simple Acid Base Formulae prevailing and get a good hold on the concept. You will have everything covered and you can memorize them easily by practicing on a regular basis.
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Evaluate the reactions involving Acid Base in a short span of time by accessing the Acid Base Formulae Collection. Have a grip on the fundamentals by making the most out of Acid Base Formula Sheet & Tables provided. You will feel the concept much more simple after applying these Formulae as a part of your work.
1. Basicity of Acid:
2. Water:
According to Arhenius & Bronsted-Lowry concept it is amphoteric, (Lewis base)
3. (a) Lewis Acid (electron pair acceptor):
CO2, BF3, AlCl3, ZnCl2, FeCl3, PCl3, PCl5, SiCl4, SF6, normal cation
(b) Lewis Base (electron pair donor) :
NH3, ROH, ROR, H2O, RNH2, R2NH, R3N, normal anion
4. Dissociation of weak Acid & Weak Base:
(a) Weak Acid:
(i) Ka = Cx2/(1 – x)
or Ka = Cx2
(ii) [H+] = basicity CX (C → M)
[H+] = CX (C → N)
[H+] = \(\sqrt{\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{a}} \mathrm{C}}\) (C → M)
(b) Weak Base:
(i) Kb = Cx2/(1 – x)
or Kb = Cx2
(ii) [OH–] = Acidity CX (C → M)
[OH–] = CX (C → N)
[OH–] = \(\sqrt{\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{b}} \mathrm{C}}\) (C → M)
Note: For strong Acid & Strong Base X = 1
5. Other Formulas:
6. (a) Semi Normal = \(\frac{N}{2}\)
(b) Deci Normal = \(\frac{N}{10}\)
(c) Centi Normal = \(\frac{N}{100}\)
(d) Milli Normal = \(\frac{N}{1000}\)
(e) Penti Normal = \(\frac{N}{5}\)
(f) Penta Normal = 5N Deca Normal = 10 N
(g) Deca Normal = 10N
7. Buffer Solution:
(a) Acidic:
for Maximum Buffer Action
pH Range of Buffer
(b) Alkaline:
for max. buffer action
(c) Butter Capacity = \(\frac{\text { Mole/lit of Acid or Base Mixed }}{\text { change in } \mathrm{pH}}\)
8. Suitable Indicator for various type of titrations:
9. Important points:
(a) For conjugate acid – base pair
Ka.Kb = Kw
Ka.Kh = Kw
PKa + pKb = 14
PKa + pKh = 14
(b) In HF solvent even strong acid (eg. HNO3) doen’t shows acidic behaviour because it has no tendency to accept protons.
(c) Necessary condidition for showing neutral colour of Indicator
pH = pKIn
or [HIn] = [In–]
or [InOH] = [In+]
(d) Aqua Regia = 3HCl + HNO3
(e) pH of Blood & Tears =7.4
(f) In acid rain there is a – SO2
(g) pH of gasteric juice = 2 (of stomach)
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