By taking the help of Kp Calculator, you will get the exact equilibrium constant using the partial pressures or convert between Kc and Kp. You have to select the either calculate Kp from partial pressures or convert between Kp and Kc based on your requirement, fill the input fields and tap the calculate button to obtain the answer in seconds.
Kc to Kp Calculator: Learn the simple process to convert between Kc and Kp for the given chemical reaction and finding Kp using the partial pressures. This user-friendly tool is designed to help people who want to escape from the calculations. It gives the detailed process to solve the equilibrium constant Kp in the following sections.
Go through the steps to convert K p and K c.
Equilibrium is a state that occurs in reversible reaction where forward and backward reactions happen simultaneously.
If the equilibrium constant is calculated using the partial pressures called Kp. If it is calculated using molar concentration is called Kc.
The reversible reaction is a[A] + b[B] ⇌ c[C] + d[D]
The equilibrium constant in terms of molar concentration is
Kc = ([C]c * [D]d) / ([B]b * [A]a)
The equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures is
Kp = (Pcc * Pdd) / (Pbb * Paa)
[A], [B] are the molar concentrations of reactants
[C], [D] are the molar concentrations of the products
Pa and Pb are partial pressures of the reactants
Pc and Pd are partial pressures of the products
The relation between the Kp and Kc is provided here:
Kp = Kc * (R * T) Δn
Kp is the equilibrium constant in terms of pressure
Kc is the equilibrium constant in terms of molarity
R is the gas constant
T is the temperature
Δn is the change in the number of moles:
Δn = mol of gaseous products - mol of gaseous reactants
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1. What is Kp?
In chemical reactions, when two or more reactants participate in the chemical reaction to get the products and products will again get the reactants called the reversible reaction. If you can calculate the equilibrium constant using the molar constant (Kc) or by using partial pressure is Kp.
2. What is the relationship between Kc and Kp?
For a reversible chemical reaction c[c] + d[D] ⇌ a[A] + b[B], the relstionship between the equilibrium constants Kp and Kc is given here:
Kp = Kc(RT)(c+d)-(a+b).
3. What are the applications of the equilibrium constant?
The equilibrium constant K p applications are listed here:
4. What is the formula to calculate Kp from partial pressures?
The equilibrium constant Kp formula is Kp = (Pcc * Pdd) / (Pbb * Paa). Here Pc, Pb are the partial pressures of reactants and Pc, Pd are the partial pressures of products.