Factorial Calculator

Free Online Tool Factorial Calculator displays the Factorial of a number "n" you enter. All you need to do is provide the input number in the specified input section and click on the calculate button to get the resultant factorial in a matter of seconds.

Find Factorial of :


Factorial Calculator: Do you feel difficulty in finding the Factorial of a Number manually? Not Anymore! as you can make use of our online tool to get the output in no time. By the end of this article, you will know what is a factorial, formula, and how to find it. Get to know the detailed procedure for finding the Factorial of a Number. Check out the Solved Examples for getting a good hold of the concept Factorial.

What is meant by Factorial?

Factorial of a Number(n) is defined as the Product of all Positive Integers which is equal to n. You can also say that factorial is a function that multiplies the number by every number below it. It is represented using the Exclamation Mark "!". It is extensively used in Probability, Permutations, Combinations, etc.

How to find Factorial of a Number?

Follow the simple and easy guidelines listed below to determine the Factorial of a Number. By adhering to the below instructions you will arrive at the solution easily. They are as such

  • The first and foremost step is to determine the number you want to compute the factorial for.
  • Make a list of the sequence of numbers to be multiplied i.e. the numbers that descended sequentially from the factorial number down to 1.
  • Multiply the numbers together.

Example: Find the Factorial of 8!?


The Number we need to find the Factorial is 8!

Formula for n! = n * (n-1)!

List out the numbers that descended sequentially from factorial number down to 1

8! = 8*(8-1)!

= 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1

= 40320

Therefore, Factorial of 8! is 40320

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Factorial Calculator

FAQs on Factorial Calculator

1. What is meant by Factorial?

Factorial is a function that multiplies the number by every number below it.

2. What is the symbol used to represent Factorial?

Factorial is represented using the exclamation mark !.

3. How to use Factorial Calculator?

All you need to do is simply enter the input number and click on the calculate button to avail the Factorial in no time.

4. How do you calculate a Factorial?

You can calculate factorial by multiplying the number by every number below it.