For those looking for help on the Concept of Friction have come to the right place. Friction Formulas List provided here lays a stronger foundation for basics. Learn the concept well and apply them while solving related problems to arrive at the solution easily. You can answer any problem framed on the topic Friction with the Cheat Sheet provided below. Our Formula Sheet for Friction covers various topics like Static Friction, Kinetic Friction, Angle of Friction, etc.
Take the help of Physics Formulas to learn the topics right from basic to advanced level concepts.
1. Static friction (fs)
Self adjusting in nature means magnitude of this is equal to external force applied on body and vary with external force.
0 ≤ fs ≤ µs N
2. Kinetic friction (fk)
fk = µkN
µk → coefficient of kinetic friction
N → normal reaction
does not depends on external force depends only on normal reaction and µk
3. Graphical representation
Note – If µR is rolling friction coefficient then
4. Angle of friction (α)
tan α = \(\frac{f}{N}\) = µ
5. Angle of repose (θ)
The angle of plane at which a body placed on it begins to slide,
tan θ = µ = tan α (θ = α)
6. Minimum force required to move a block
(i) On horizontal rough plane:
F cos θ = µ N ; N + F sin θ = mg
F = \(\frac{\mu \mathrm{mg}}{\cos \theta+\mu \sin \theta}\)
For Fmin, θ = angle of friction = tan-1µ
Fmin = \(\frac{\mu \mathrm{mg}}{\sqrt{\mu^{2}+1}}\)
(ii) On inclined rough plane:
(a) To move down wards F = µmg cos θ – mg sin θ
(b) To move upwards F = µmg cos θ + mg sin θ
Note: – To move down ward or upward with minimum force the angle Φ = tan-1µ in fig (i) and (ii) respectively and corresponding
Fmin = \(\frac{\mu m g \cos \theta-m g \sin \theta}{\sqrt{\mu^{2}+1}}\) (For downward motion)
Fmin = \(\frac{\mu \mathrm{mg} \cos \theta+\mathrm{mg} \sin \theta}{\sqrt{\mu^{2}+1}}\) (For upward motion)
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