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Important Reagent Formulas

Most of you might feel difficulty while dealing with reagents. In this article of ours we have listed the Important Reagent Formulas in the form of tables for your understanding. Grasp the concept and start answering the questions at a faster pace. To assist you we have curated different formulaes on Kuchroves, Antihydrating, Oxidising, Reducing Reagents, etc. Get acquainted with the reagents that you need to know about with our Reagents Formulae List.

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Important Reagent Formulae Sheet & Tables

You will have everything covered related to Important Reagents Formulae on this page. Make the most out of the Full List of Reagents Formulae and be strong with your fundamentals. Don't mugup the formulas as you can't retain them for long time try understanding the logic behind them. Prepare effectively using the Important Reagents Cheat Sheet and attain higher grades in your exams.

1. dil H2SO4 [or Cone. H2SO4] + H2O]
Use → Hydrating agent (+HOH)
Important Reagent formulas img 1
(c) Kuchroves reaction

2. aq. KOH or moist Ag2O or aq. AgOH
Use → [-X → -OH] or + OH
Important Reagent formulas img 2

3. alc. KOH or NaNH2 [Use → -HX]
Important Reagent formulas img 3

4. Isomerisation Reagents of hydrocarbons
For alkene → AlCl3 / HCl
For alkene → Al2(SO4)3
– ale KOH
For alkyne – (to form disubstituent alkyne)
– NaNH2 (to form terminal alkyne)
Important Reagent formulas img 4

5. R-X
Important Reagent formulas img 5

6. Zn dust Use → (a)(For – X2)
(b) For deoxygenation
Important Reagent formulas img 6

7. HNO2 Use → (-NH2 → – OH)
Important Reagent formulas img 7

Diff. reactions:
Important Reagent formulas img 8

8. Cu or ZnO /300° C
Important Reagent formulas img 9

9. CH2N2 Use → (for + -CH2 (group))
Important Reagent formulas img 10

10. Soda Lime NaOH + CaO
Use – for decarboxylation (emits -COOH or-CO2)
Important Reagent formulas img 11

Important Reagent formulas img 12
2. P2O5 Use
Important Reagent formulas img 13

3. Anhy. ZnCl2 Use → In Grove
Important Reagent formulas img 14

4. Al2O3 Alumina use: →
Important Reagent formulas img 15

5. KHSO4
Important Reagent formulas img 16

6. Dry HCl gas use →
Important Reagent formulas img 17

7. Cone. H2SO4 use →
Important Reagent formulas img 18

1. Alkaline KMnO4 (Strong oxidant)
Toluene → Benzoic acid

2. Acidic KMnO4 (Strong oxidant)
Important Reagent formulas img 19

3. Bayer’s Regent
1% alkaline KMnO4 (Weak oxidant)
Use: → For test of > C = C < or – C ≡ C –
Important Reagent formulas img 20

4. O3 Use → In determination of position of
> C = C < or – C ≡ C
Important Reagent formulas img 21

5. Acidic K2Cr2O7 (Strong oxidant)
Important Reagent formulas img 22

6. CrO2Cl2
Important Reagent formulas img 23

7. Br2 Water use: → For test of unsaturation
Important Reagent formulas img 24

8. Alkaline H2O2 use →
Important Reagent formulas img 25
(In brief Anti MR HOH on alkene or alkyne)

NOTE: Oxidation series
Alkane → Alc → Aid. or ketone →
Carboxylic acid → CO2

1. SnCl2/HCl or Sn/HCl use → for redn of nitrobenzene in acidic medium.
Important Reagent formulas img 26

2. Zn/NH4Cl or A1 – Hg/NH4Cl use →
for reduction of nitrobenzene in neutral medium
Important Reagent formulas img 27

3. Red P/HI
Important Reagent formulas img 28
Important Reagent formulas img 29

4. Zn – Cu / EtOH or Na – Hg (or Al – Hg)/EtOH
R – X + 2H → RH + HX

5. Zn – Hg / cone. HCl
Important Reagent formulas img 30

6. LiAiH4 (Strong reductant)
Important Reagent formulas img 31

7. Na/C2H5OH
Important Reagent formulas img 32

1. Diastase (1) Maltase (2) Zymase (3)
Important Reagent formulas img 33

2. Invertase (1) Zymase (2)
Important Reagent formulas img 34

3. Raney Ni ⇒ Ni powder + Rescent H or Ni – Al/NaOH
Important Reagent formulas img 35

4. Lindlar’s Catalyst = Pd/CaCO3 + in small quantity (CH3COO)2Pb
Important Reagent formulas img 36

5. BF3:
Important Reagent formulas img 37

6. BF3.HgO:
Important Reagent formulas img 38

7. BF3.H2O:
Important Reagent formulas img 39

8. Hg+2 Use → In Kucherov’s reaction:
Important Reagent formulas img 40

9. FeCl3 (Lewis Acid):
Important Reagent formulas img 41

10. Anhy AlCl3 (Lewis Acid):
use: → In Friedel Craft reaction
Important Reagent formulas img 42

11. Pd/BaSO4, Pd = Catalyst, :
BaSO4 = Cat. poision
Important Reagent formulas img 43

12. (A) Cu2X2/HX → Sandmair reaction
(B) Cu powder/HX → Gattermann reaction

13. ThO2 (Thorieo):
Important Reagent formulas img 44

14. SiO2 (Silica):
Important Reagent formulas img 45

15. (C2H5O)3 Al, AlCl3 in Tischenko reaction.

16. Ziegler – Natta Catalyst (C2H5)3 Al + TiCl4
Use → In Addition polymerisation
Important Reagent formulas img 46

17. Anhy. ZnCl2:
Important Reagent formulas img 47

18. Co Use → In oxo of formylation of carboxylation reaction:
Important Reagent formulas img 48

19. Ni
(a) In SS reaction:
Important Reagent formulas img 49

20. (C6H5)3 P + Ni (CO)4:
Important Reagent formulas img 50

21. dry ether:
Important Reagent formulas img 51
(3) In Wurtz reaction
(4) In Wurtz Fitting reaction

22. Acetone:
Use: → In Finkelstein reaction

23. C2H5ONa:
Use: → (a) In Gurbet condensation
(b) In Claisen Ester condensation

24. ZnO + Cr2O3:
Important Reagent formulas img 52

25. Pyridine:
Use → In Darzon process

26. Kisselghur process:
Important Reagent formulas img 53

27. CHCl3 + ale. KOH → xxCCl2:
(a) In Reimer Tiemannformylation
(b) In Hoffmann carbyl amine reaction.

28. Neutral FeCl3
Important Reagent formulas img 54

g → gas, l → liquid, s → solid,
CH4 → g, C2H6 → g, CH2 = CH2 → g, CH ≡ CH → g,
CH3Cl → g, CH3BR → Poisonous g, CH3 I → l,
CH3CHCl2 → l, CH2Cl – CH2Cl → Sweet smell l,
CHCl3 → Sweet smell l, CHBr3 → l, CHI3 → pale yellow S,
CH3OH → l, C2H5OH → l, Et2O → l, HCHO → g,
CH3CHO → l, CH3COCH3 → l, CH3COOH → l,
HCOOH → l, CH3COCl → Volatile l,
CH3CONH2 → crystalline compound (S), (CH3CO)2O → l,
CH3COOC3H5 → l, CH3NH2 → g, C2H5NH2 → g,
Urea → Crystalline S, C6H5 → colourless l,
C6H5NH2 → Colourless l, C6H5OH → white crystalline S,
C6H5NO2 → Pale yellow oily l, C6H5CHO → l,
C6H5COOH → white crystalline S.

Alkane → fuel, Alkene → polymer,
Alkyne → Solvents making like westron, Westrosol,
General alkyl halide → as solvents, CHCl3 → Anaesthetic,
Germicide, CH3 → Antiseptic & deodorant,
CCl4 → Pyrene & Fire distinguser, CH3OH → Antifreeze,
Deforming of alcohol, C2H5OH → Tonic, wine preparation
Power alcohol, C2H5-O-C2H5 → Anesthetic,
Natellite, HCHO → Formamint medicine,
CH3CHO → Antiseptic, CH3COCH3 → as solvent,
CH3COOH → Vinegar, HCOOH → (Coagulation of Latex)
CH3COCl → Acetylant, (CH3CO)2O → Acctylant,
Celulose acetate, CH3CONH2 → for C ↓
CH3COOC2H5 → Artificial silk & flavour,
CH3NH2 → Refrigerating agent,
C2H5NH2 → in development of photography, Urea → Fertilizing,
C6H5Cl6 → Germicide & Gamaxen,
C6H5NH2 → Preparation of dyes, C6H5OH → HPh,
Picric acid C6H5NO2 → In FCR use as a solvent,
C6H5CHO → Preparation of dyes,
C6H5COOH → Na-salt preservation of food.

CH3COOC2H5 → Fruity, CHCl3, CH3I, C2H5I → Sweet smell
C6H5NO2 & C6H5CHO → Like bitter almonds
CH3COOH → Like vinegar, HCHO, CH3CHO,
CH3COCl → Pungent
CH3NH2 & C2H5NH2 → Fishy,
Impure CH3CONH2 → mice like, ROH → wine
RNCS → Mustard oil, methyl salicylate → wintergreen oil,
RNC → Fowl smell

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