Do you feel finding the Maxima and Minima tedious and difficult? Not anymore as you can take the help of Maxima and Minima Formulas existing to solve your problems quite easily. Memorize the Maxima and Minima Formulae so that you can overcome the hassle of doing straight forward and lengthy manual work. Get to know various formulas of Maxima and Minima from here and clarify your queries while doing your homework.
You will find the below listed Maxima and Minima Formulae quite useful during your calculations. Instead of going with the traditional and lengthy methods to arrive at the solution try solving the Maxima and Minima related problems using Formula Sheet & Tables existing. Maxima and Minima Formulas List covers all kinds and you can solve both basic and advanced level problems easily.
1. Maximum & Minimum Points
A function f(x) is said to be maximum at x = a, if there j exists a very small positive number h, such that
f(x) < f(a) ∀ x ∈ (a – h, a + h), x ≠ a
A function f(x) is said to be minimum at x = b, if there exists a very small positive number h, such that f(x) > f(b), ∀ x ∈ (b – h, b + h), x ≠ b
2. Conditions for Maxima & Minima of a function
A. Necessary condition:
A point x = a is an extreme point of a function f(x) if f'(a) = 0, provided f'(a) exists. Thus if f'(a) exists, then
x = a is an extreme point ⇒ f'(a) = 0
or f'(a) ≠ 0 ⇒ x = a is not an extreme point |
B. Sufficient condition:
(i) If f'(a) = 0, f”(a) = 0, f”‘(a) ≠ 0 then x = a is not an extreme point for the function f(x).
(ii) If f'(a) = 0, f”(a) = 0, f”‘(a) = 0 then the sign of f(iv) (a) will determine the maximum and minimum value of function i.e.f(x) is maximum, if f(iv) (a) < 0 and minimum if f(iv) (a) > 0.
(iii) If f (a) = f”(a) = f”‘(a) = …….. = fn-1 (a) = 0 and fn(a) ≠ 0 if n is odd then f(x) has neither local maximum nor local minimum at x = a and this is point of inflexion,
If n is even then fn(a) < 0
f(x) has a local maximum at x = a and if fn(a) > 0 then f(x) has a local minimum at x = a.
3. Working rule for finding Maxima & Minima
(i) Find the differential coefficient of f(x) with respect to x, i.e. f ‘(x) and equate it to zero.
(ii) Find different real values of x by solving the equation f ‘(x) = 0. Let its roots be a, b, c, ……..
(iii) Find the value of f”(x) and substitute the value of a1, a2, a3 ….in it and get the sign of f'(x) for each value of x.
(iv) If f'(a) < 0 then the value of f(x) is maximum at x = a and if f'(a) > 0 then value of f(x) will be minimum at x = a. Similarly by getting the signs of f”(x) at other points b, c we can find the points of maxima and minima.
4. Greatest & Least values of a function in a given interval
If a function f(x) is defined in an interval [a, b], then greatest or least values of this function occurs either at x = a or x = b or at those values of x where f'(x) = 0.
Thus greatest value of f(x) in interval [a, b] = max. [f (a), f(b), f(c)] Least value of f(x) in interval [a, b] = Min. [f(a), f(b), f(c)] where x = c is a point such that f'(c) = 0
5. How to find local maxima or Minima:
Step-I: Put f'(x) = 0 solve for values of x, let x = x1, x2, ……..
Step-II: Let x = x1 is now checking for local maxima or minima. Calculate f'(x1 – h) and f'(x1 + h)
Step-III: If h > 0 and h is very very small –
In the same way other values of x = x2, x3 ….are checked, separately.
6. Properties of Maxima & Minima
7. Some standard geometrical results related to Maxima & Minima
Explore several concepts formulas all at one place i.e. and make your calculations easier and at a faster pace comparatively.