For those looking for help on Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Class 10 Math Concepts can find all of them here provided in a comprehensive manner. To make it easy for you we have jotted the Class 10 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Maths Formulae List all at one place. You can find Formulas for all the topics lying within the Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Class 10 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables in detail and get a good grip on them. Revise the entire concepts in a smart way taking help of the Maths Formulas for Class 10 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables.
The List of Important Formulas for Class 10 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables is provided on this page. We have everything covered right from basic to advanced concepts in Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Make the most out of the Maths Formulas for Class 10 prepared by subject experts and take your preparation to the next level. Access the Formula Sheet of Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Class 10 covering numerous concepts and use them to solve your Problems effortlessly.
(i) Graphical method. The graph of a pair of linear equations in two variables is presented by two lines.
(ii) Algebraic methods. Following are the methods for finding the solutions(s) of a pair of linear equations:
Let the two equations be:
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
Relationship between coeff. or the pair of equations | Graph | Number of Solutions | Consistency of System |
\(\frac { { a }_{ 1 } }{ { a }_{ 2 } } \neq \frac { { b }_{ 1 } }{ { b }_{ 2 } } \) | Intersecting lines | Unique solution | Consistent |
\(\frac { { a }_{ 1 } }{ { a }_{ 2 } } =\frac { { b }_{ 1 } }{ { b }_{ 2 } } \neq \frac { c_{ 1 } }{ c_{ 2 } } \) | Parallel lines | No solution | Inconsistent |
\(\frac { { a }_{ 1 } }{ { a }_{ 2 } } =\frac { { b }_{ 1 } }{ { b }_{ 2 } } =\frac { c_{ 1 } }{ c_{ 2 } } \) | Co-incident lines | Infinite solutions | Consistent |