If you ever need help regarding the concept Potentiometer you can get related guidance by availing the Potentiometer Formulas. Master the Concept of Potentiometer and try to memorize the formulae list to solve related problems. Overcome the burden of searching everywhere and access the Cheat Sheet of Potentiometer to understand the related concepts efficiently. For more help regarding the various topics of Physics have a look at the Physics Formulas and clear your queries.
1. Potential gradient (k)
The fall of potential per unit length of potentiometer wire:
k = \(\frac{E}{L}\) or k = ip volt/m L
where i is the current flowing through the wire and ρ is the resistance of
unit length of wire. The current in the primary circuit is –
i = \(\frac{\mathrm{E}}{\mathrm{R}+\mathrm{r}+\mathrm{R}_{\mathrm{h}}}\) and ρ = \(\frac{R}{L}\)
2. Measurement of potential difference or emf
The balancing length for emf E0 of cell is l0 and that for unknown potential I difference V is l, then
E0 = kl0
or k = \(\frac{E_{0}}{\ell_{0}}\)
and V = kl = \(\left(\frac{\mathrm{E}_{0}}{\ell_{0}}\right)\)l
Comparison of emfs:
3. Measurement of small resistance
The potential difference across resistance R
iR = kl1
The potential difference across the resistance (R + r)
= i(R + r) = kl2
Thus r = \(\left(\frac{\ell_{2}-\ell_{1}}{\ell_{1}}\right)\)R
4. Internal resistance of a cell
If emf of a cell is E and terminal voltage is V then internal resistance.
r = \(\left(\frac{\mathrm{E}-\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{V}}\right)\)R
E = kl1 and V = kl2
r = \(\left(\frac{\ell_{2}-\ell_{1}}{\ell_{1}}\right)\)R
5. Calibration
To compare apparent value with actual value measured by potentiometer.
Error = apparent value – actual value
A graph between error (e) and observed (apparent) value is called calibration curve.
Actual values of voltage or current are measured by potentiometer. Hence the calibration of voltmeter and ammeter are done by it.
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