From this page, you all will get to see the complete list of Reaction Mechanism Formulas which helps to learn and understand the chemical reactions easily. Know the importance of chemical mechanisms by using the Reaction Mechanism Formulas & solve all chemical reactions perfectly with ease. We have curated formulas of the Reaction Mechanism concept on this page so make the most out of them during preparation and get familiar with the concepts like Stability order of free Radicals, Carbonium ions, Carbanions, etc.
Solve your chemistry problems fastly and efficiently taking the help of Chemistry Formulas and learn about the Concepts without much effort.
This section is included with the full list of Reaction Mechanism Formulas. So, students are advised to refer and get the Reaction Mechanism Formulae sheet & tables offline from this page. Make use of these formulas as a reference throughout your preparation and get the know the concepts adequately. Also, apply them properly to make your job simple & easy.
1. Stability order of free radicals
(C6H5)\(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\) > (C6H5)2\(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H > C6H5\(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H2 > \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H2 = CH – \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H2 > (CH3)3\(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\) > (CH3)2 \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H > CH3 \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H2 > \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H3 > CH2 = \(\dot{\mathrm{C}}\)H
2. Stability order of carbonium ions
(C6H5)3 \(\stackrel{\oplus}{C}\) > (C6H5)2 \(\stackrel{\oplus}{C}\)H > C6H5 \(\stackrel{\oplus}{C}\)H2 > CH2 = CH – \(\stackrel{\oplus}{C}\)H2 > ter. carbonium ion
> sec. carbonium ion > prim. carbonium ion
3. Stability order of Carbanions
(C6H5)3\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\) > (C6H5)2\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\) > C6H5\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H2 > CH3CO\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H2 > CH2 = CH – \(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H2 and \(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H3 > CH3\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H2 > (CH3)2\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)H > (CH3)3\(\stackrel{\ominus}{C}\)
4. -I effect order
NO2 > – CN > COOH > F > Cl > Br > I > – OCH3 > -OH > -C ≡ C- > > H
5. + I effect order
(CH3)3C > (CH3)2CH > CH3CH2 > CH3
6. Electromeric effects occurs in molecules which contain a multiple bond i.e.
>C = 0, -C ≡ N, >C = C<, – C ≡ C-
7. +M effect is shown by following groups
-OH, -OR, – \(\stackrel{\ominus}{O}\) , – NH2, – NHR. – NR2, -Cl, -Br. – I etc.
8. Order of reactivity of double bonds towards electrophilic additions is –
CH2 = CH-COOH < CH2 = CH2 < CH3-CH = CH2
< CH3 – CH = CH2 < (CH3)2 C = CH2 < (CH3)2 C = CH-CH3
< (CH3)2C = C (CH3)2
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