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s-Block Formulas

All general and standard s-block formulas are listed here for the sake of students who are preparing for chemistry board exams. Also, this basic s-block formulae list can help you make your equations or problems so easy and fast. In the list of s-block formula sheet, you will come to learn and understand all basic to advance properties of s-block formulas and s-block related concepts formulas. So, go ahead and grab the opportunity to memorize all formulas easily and quickly by using the sheet or tables provided here.  

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List of s-Block Formulas | s-Block Formulae Sheet

Having a good grip and complete knowledge of the s-block concept gonna help you more in answering the final exam paper questions. By referring to the s-Block Formulas List available over here can make you memorize all important formulas and get a good hold on the concept of s-block. So, practice & understand the s-block concept with the help of s-block formulae sheet & finish your exam preparation or assignments properly.

1. The general electronic configuration of s – block elements is ns1-2.

2. Alkali metals have largest size and lowest ionization energies in their respective periods.

3. Alkali metals are soft with low melting and boiling points. This is due to weak metallic bond.

4. Densities of alkali metals increase from Li to Cs (Exception : K is lighter than Na)

5. Alkali metals (except Lithium) show photoelectric effect. This tendency is maximum for cesium.

6. Alkali metals are strong reducing agents. Reducing character increases down the group. (Exception : Lithium which is strongest reducing agent due to its highest hydration energy.

7. Basic character: LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH < CsOH. 8. Covalent character of lithium halides: Lil > LiBr> LiCl > LiF (as larger the ; anion, greater is its polarisability).

9. Solution of alkali metals in liquid ammonia is highly conducting and deep blue in colour. This is due to presence of ammoniated electrons.

10. Li combines with N2 to form Li3N while other alkali metals do not.

11. Li2 CO3 decompose on heating

12. Ionic character of compound increases down the group.

13. If hydration energy > lattice energy, the salt dissolves.

14. Alkali metal superoxides, O2 s-Block formulas img 1 have unpaired electron and hence are paramagnetic whereas oxides & peroxide are diamagnetic & colourless.

15. Simple ionic radii are in the order: Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+

Hydrated radii are in the order: Li+(aq) > Na+(aq) > K+(aq) > Rb+(aq) > Cs+(aq)

Ionic mobility: Li+(aq) < Na+(aq) < K+(aq) < Rb+(aq) < Cs+(aq)

16. Mg(OH)2 is called ‘milk of magnesia and is used as antacid. Ca(OH)2 is called ‘milk of lime’

17. In solid state, BeCl2 has polymeric chain structure with 3 centre- 2- electron bonding.

18. Solubility:
BeSO4 > MgSO4 > CaSO4 > Sr SO4 > BaSO4
BeCO3 > MgCO3 > CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3.

19. Stability:
BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < SrCO3 < BaCO3.

20. Only LiHCO3 exists in solution while all other alkali metal bicarbonates are solids.

21. The solubility and basic strength of oxides increases in the order:
Li2O < Na2O < K2O < Rb2O < Cs2O

22. The solubility, stability and basic strength of hydroxides increase in the order:
LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH < CsOH.

23. The stability of peroxides and superoxides increases in the order :
Na2O2 < K2O2< Rb2O2 < Cs2O2 and NaO2 < KO2 < RbO2 < CsO2

24. The stability and solubility of carbonates, nitrates and bicarbonates increase in the order:
Li2CO3 < Na2CO3 < K2CO3 < Rb2CO3 < Cs2CO3.
LiNO3 < NaNO3 < KNO3 < RbNO3 < CsNO3 and LiHCO3 < NaHCO3 < KHCO3 < RbHCO3 < CsHCO3

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