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Visualizing Solid Shapes Class 8 Maths Formulas

For those looking for help on Visualizing Solid Shapes Class 8 Math Concepts can find all of them here provided in a comprehensive manner. To make it easy for you we have jotted the Class 8 Visualizing Solid Shapes Maths Formulae List all at one place. You can find Formulas for all the topics lying within the Visualizing Solid Shapes Class 8 Visualizing Solid Shapes in detail and get a good grip on them. Revise the entire concepts in a smart way taking help of the Maths Formulas for Class 8 Visualizing Solid Shapes.

Maths Formulas for Class 8 Visualizing Solid Shapes

The List of Important Formulas for Class 8 Visualizing Solid Shapes is provided on this page. We have everything covered right from basic to advanced concepts in Visualizing Solid Shapes. Make the most out of the Maths Formulas for Class 8 prepared by subject experts and take your preparation to the next level. Access the Formula Sheet of Visualizing Solid Shapes Class 8 covering numerous concepts and use them to solve your Problems effortlessly.

Solids have a fixed shape and occupy a space.

A solid is made up of polygonal regions, which are called its faces.

Polyhedron: A solid shape bounded by polygons is called polyhedron (platonic solid).

A polyhedron has some number of plane faces, edges and vertices, which satisfy the relationship:
F + V – E = 2,
F stands for the number of faces.
V stands for the number of vertices
and E stands for the number of edges.
The relation F + V – E = 2 is called Euler’s formula.

Prism: A prism is a solid, whose side faces are parallelograms and whose ends (or bases) are congruent parallel polygons.
A prism has 2 triangular faces, 3 rectangular faces, 6 vertices and 9 edges.

Pyramid: A pyramid is a polyhedron whose base is a polygon of any number of sides and whose other faces are triangles with a common vertex.
A pyramid has 1 square face, 4 triangular faces, 5 vertices and 8 edges.

Tetrahedron: A pyramid is called a triangular pyramid if its base is a triangle. A triangular pyramid is also called a tetrahedron.

Plane shapes have two dimensions (measurements) like length and breadth whereas a solid object has three measurements like length, breadth and height (or depth). That is why they are called two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional shapes, respectively. They are briefly named as 2-D and 3-D figures, respectively. Triangle, rectangle, circle, etc., are 2-D figures whereas cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, etc., are 3-D figures.

Views of 3-D Shapes
3-dimensional objects look differently from different positions. So, they can be drawn from different perspectives like top view, front view, side view.

Mapping Space Around Us
A map is different from a picture. A map depicts the location of a particular object/place in relation to other objects/places. Symbols are used to depict different objects/places. There is no reference or perspective on a map. However, perspective is very important for drawing a picture. Moreover, maps involve a scale which is fixed for a particular map.

Faces, Edges and Vertices
A solid shape bounded by the polygon is called a polyhedron. The plural of the word polyhedron is polyhedra.

Faces are polygonal regions with which a polyhedron is made up. The line segments in which the faces of a polyhedron meet are called edges. The points of intersection of the edges of a polyhedron are called its vertices. In a polyhedron, three or more edges meet at a vertex.

A polyhedron is said to be regular if its faces are made up of regular polygons and the same number of faces meet at each vertex.

A prism is a polyhedron whose base and top are parallel congruent polygons and whose lateral faces are parallelograms in shape.

A pyramid is a polyhedron whose base is a polygon (of any number of sides) and whose lateral faces are triangles with a common vertex.