Calculating the Square Root of a Fraction might not be that easy for you. So, utilize our free tool Fraction Square Root Calculator that displays the Square Root of a given fraction.
Ex: 16/81 (or) 4/16 (or) 25/36
Here are some samples of Square Root of Fractions calculations.
Fraction Square Root Calculator: In addition to the basic operations of Maths there are complex and advanced operations like Square Roots. You might not be aware of solving the Square Roots of Fractions. In this article of ours, we try focusing on finding the Square Root of Fractions by hand. Our calculator automatically calculates the Square Root of fractions you enter within a short span of time.
Calculating the Square Root of Fraction might not be that clear for you. However, you will find it far easier than expected by referring to further modules.
Question: Find the Square Root of fraction 4/16?
Given Square Root is 4/16
√(4/16) can be written as (4/16)1/2 or √4/√16
Finding the numerator Square Root and Denominator Square Root we get the value as 2/4.
If we further simply the fraction we get 1/2
Therefore the Square Root of the fraction 4/16 is 1/2 or 0.5 in short.
1. How do you find the Square Root of a Fraction Form?
You can find the Square Root of a Fraction by finding the Square Root of numerator and denominator individually.
2. How to Calculate Fraction Square Root Using a Calculator?
Just provide the input fraction for which you want to find the Square Root and hit on the Calculate Button. That's it our calculator does everything for you in a fraction of seconds.
3. Where do I get the detailed procedure to solve the Fraction Square Root?
You can get a detailed procedure to solve the fraction Square Root on our page.
4. From where do I get the Free Online Calculator for Fraction Square Root? provides the free Online Calculator for Fraction Square Root and you can use it absolutely free to get the Square Root of fraction form.