Find the multiplication of 3 fractions 9/8, 5/7, 4/9 i.e. 0.3571 and its reduced form taking the help of our Multiplying 3 Fractions Calculator.
Given fractions are9/8x 5/7x 4/9
Multiplication of numerators = 9 x 5 x 4 = 180
Multiplication of denominators = 8 x 7 x 9 = 504
Final product = 180/504 = 0.3571
9/8x 5/7x 4/9= 0.3571
Here are some samples of Multiplying Fractions calculations.
1. How do you multiply fractions 9/8, 5/7, 4/9?
Multiply the numerators of 9/8, 5/7, 4/9 to get the numerator and the denominators of the fractions too to obtain the denominator.
2. What is the multiplication of 9/8, 5/7, 4/9?
Multiplication of 9/8, 5/7, 4/9 is 0.3571 .
3. How do you multiply fractions 9/8, 5/7, 4/9 on a calculator?
You can multiply fractions 9/8, 5/7, 4/9 on the calculator by simply placing the " *" symbol in between the fractions and then click on the enter symbol to obtain the product of fractions.